JUPITER IN LIBRA: Harmonising Balance


” Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”   Albert Einstein 

Saturday 10th of September marks the ingress of Jupiter in to Libra after spending the last 13 months in Virgo. Jupiter in Virgo has seen the jovial expander and growth merchant apply to all things Virgoan; things such as work, daily routines & habits, health, body & body image.  Jupiter has enhanced, exaggerated or increased the focus of these things over the past year. Reflecting and reverberating in the area of life Virgo rules in your birth chart, which Jupiter was activating.

Jupiter in Virgo hasn’t always been easy as Jupiter is in detriment or simply is not completely comfortable in Virgo, it can’t expand as naturally as it would like. The 2 energies just don’t see things eye to eye. This shift into Libra finally sees Jupiter enter a sign that is receptive to Jupiter’s natural expansive behaviour, really gelling with Librian ideals of balance, harmony, relationships, creativity and artistry and justice. This should be a nice shift after the recent events such as Brexit and the refugee crisis. It will be interesting to see how these things are managed now Jupiter has ingressed in to Libra.

This shift of Jupiter is also happening at a time when other big cycles are completing. The much talked about Saturn / Neptune Square makes its final exact hit this week, with its final blast of either delusion busting or creative restructuring which began back in November 2015. This weekend also makes the mid-point of the last of the Virgo / Pisces Eclipses which is also a cycle in its ending. Eclipses are mass cleansing with its deep level affects taking up to 2 weeks – 6 months to manifest or reveal. All this whilst Mercury is retrograde in a sign it rules, Virgo !

Jupiter in Libra is fundamentally about harmony, balance,  justice, artistry and relationships. The expansion or exaggeration of these ideals in the area of life transiting Jupiter is hitting when it visits Libra in your chart is how this energy is interpreted.  Jupiter is the great gift giver, whether it be grounding or catapulting. Where Libra sits in your chart is the area of life that this Jupiter will grow with a Librian flavour.

Jupiter takes 12 – 13 months to transit a sign making it a  once in a 12 – 13 year cycle. The idea of these cycles is you grow and build from the last transit cycle 12 years ago and looking back to the last time Jupiter transited Libra is good to give you clues on what might be relevant or pertinent to you specifically.  The last two most recent Jupiter transits of Libra was October 11 1992 – Nov 10 1993 & September 25 2004 – October 25 2005, look to these time periods for clues as to what should be built.

Libra is a Cardinal Air sign. It’s a doer, its intellectual and it loves art, beauty and friendship. Moving on from Virgo’s focus on work, the body and day-to-day routine, this movement is looking to share this expansion with relationships with others and externalize the inner work  to an outer world and sphere. There is an element of pleasure and engagement with people, after all the day to day work done after its Virgo transit. With Jupiter in Libra its time to take creative buoyancy and enjoy the smoother waters of a more balanced energy when dealing with creativity and your presentation of self and your engagment with other in the outer sphere. This shift will be a real game changer as we step in to October and we feel a little more breathing space.



Jupiter will be activating your 7th house the natural home of Libra. Positive and helpful relationships with people will be fateful and fortuitous, with the potential to take a key relationship next level. As the 7th house also rules your ‘open enemies’ make sure you are always operating from your higher self and don’t get thrown if someone challenging you pops up ! It’s all in the name of self betterment and strengthening your relations with others and having a brilliant time while you’re doing it. Creative collaborations are blessed.


Jupiter in your 6th house should see harmonious betterment in the areas of your daily routines, work and health routines. Having fun with your food, body image as well might pop up. This is a natural follow on from Jupiter in Virgo as Jupiter now hits Virgo’s natural home for you, however with the Librian influence things will be more harmonious and you will use your intellect to help push these things forward. You might also want to look at adding some sort of creative or artistic bent or element to you daily routine to max out this Jupiter in Libra influence.


5th house focus of creative expression, true love and children (whether it be you have them or explore your own inner child) will be the focus of Jupiter for you this year. A bit like Taurus there is a big focus of creative expression for you. This will be a really pleasurable thing for you to explore or develop over this coming year. Libra has a strong artistic bent and the 5th house is the house of creativity for ego/self-expression and betterment. So do what ever really floats your boat that gives you an element of expression or creativity, Jupiter will really give you some satisfying rewards if you embrace it.


Libra in Jupiter in the 4th house is all about home, family, origins and your deep roots. Things will be more happy and jovial around the home and some really lovely experiences or time will be well spent exploring or just simply enjoying this. This is a really nice gift for Cancerians as the 4th house is the natural home of your Cancer Sun. With Jupiter in Libra activating this area of your chart, it will be a really nice home-coming and lots of good foundations will be strengthened whist you have a grand old-time doing it !  This would be a great time to buy a home if you were in the market.


Leo will have their 3rd house of communication, media, publishing and small trip activated. You will most likely be a voice of reason as Libra gives you the gift of the balancing gab over the next 13 months, something not always associated with Leo. Any small trips away will be good and l for you and you will perhaps find  new areas for your communication and expanding your methods of how you communicate.


Chach Ching, after having Jupiter go through your 1st house of self and how you represent your self to the world, its time for the pay off !  2nd house Jupiter transits see you expand your sense of self-worth and financially see your pay increase. The 2nd house is all about your finances that you earn or create and your self worth. The next 13 months will be about you building a strong sense of self worth and increased income as Jupiter gives you gifts of work and insights that you didn’t see coming.


1st house transit of Jupiter is all about you ! it’s all about your image, how you represent yourself to the world and how the world sees you ! Jupiter kind of likes to indulges so my only advice is watch the waist line it can quite easily expand with a who gives a fuq .. I’m enjoying myself to much to care ! Jupiter will give you a nice happy glow which will see others enjoy your company as you being your next full Jupiter cycle starting the outside ..before going in !


The inner secret world of the 12th house will be expanded by Jupiter transit. The inner realm, the sanctuary of the inner space you create to rest in or create will be expanded and given the gifts of insight as Jupiter finishes its 12 yearly cycle around your horoscope. Whether you just take time out, pursue some spiritual practice or just do whatever internally makes you happy,  you will get great reward and benefits from this ! Scorpio likes to go deep so Jupiter lighting a light within the inner self with the more calming and balancing energy of libra applying will see this be a great little transit for insights and internally recalibrating.


Sagittarius is the natural ruler of Jupiter, so you know this energy well and for this year your ruler will be activating your 11th  house of friendships, community groups and goals and ambitions. Basically its going to be a great year for networking, seeing or creating new friendships and getting involved in any kind of social activism. These are all things the Libra loves and Jupiter there expanding them and creating brilliant opportunities for you to indulge in them, which will be a really nice thing. Just watch out you don’t party to hard ! Because Sadges do like to party !


When Jupiter hits Libra in Capricorn 10th house you’re in your happy place ! the great gift giver and benefactor is activating your natural Capricorn sun’s home of Career, Status, Reward and Reputation. Libra a fellow Cardinal sign will give you some nice gifts as you have Pluto also transiting your sign but that’s a whole different story. Jupiter will offer rewards for all your hard work and killer job offer might be in the wings. Either way Jupiter will be activating in an area the you hold so very dear to your heart. And with Pluto transiting your chart, the rewards might be longer term.


Jupiter will be making its way through its natural home for you this year Aquarius, its 9th house. Travel, Philosophy and Higher Learning will be highlighted for you and it would be a fantastic year to do any of the above. Jupiter is at home in the 9th house and any chance you get to travel, explore the nature of other cultures, higher thought processes or just high-end learning. You will be gifted many wonderful wow moments which will tie in to the natural interest you have for community, groups and social activism so any of the above pursuits would be well rewarded with light and internal growth.


Pisces get the gift of exploration of your 8th house, an expansion and great opportunities for you to expand your deeper self. The 8th house is a magical house, a realm of deep psychological capacity, spiritually & sexually focused it also is the home of other people’s money ie: debt and taxes ! So you many be given the gift of a random windfall of a tax return or a great AHA moment if you choose to explore some of the metaphysical aspects of life, either way try not to let Jupiter’s tendency to expand to any debt ! This would be the less ideal way Jupiter could apply when transiting your 8th house ! Happy wandering