Mercury Direct in Cancer -The Kick Inside


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📸 Bjork by Mert Alas 
Within 24 hours after the Leo New Moon, Mercury Station’s direct, from the watery shadows of Cancer, opposed by an even more shadowy Pluto in Capricorn. Mercury has been delayed, obstructed and downright frustrated, creating an energetic atmosphere akin to sitting in a dark swap land, waiting for the bus to arrive, to take you far away from the drudgery, only to find out the bus route was on a slower timetable AND the Bus has broken down. Turns out, you got nothing but time to lament.
Movements & La Communication were stalled, redirected, non-existent and frustrating. This time around the messages seemed more intense and damn right confronting. With no real traction and generating no solid resolutions, since the beginning of July, possibly even late June. Set amongst the Eclipse mash ups in Cancer and Capricorn, it was an especially gnarly example of a Mercury Retrograde. Frustrating, complicated and fraught with emotions and expectations. Dwelling, detouring and following these Mercurial Bends and Twists, was the only clear option, whilst trying not to lose your shit.
This is changing August 2nd when Mercury stands still to begin its direct motion, clearing its original Station point on August 15th. The dwelling and la communication dis-illusion will be but a memory. The week following this, Mercury will trine Jupiter, its first positive aspect since its post retrograde phase. Creating clearer vision of what this whole Retrograde drudgery was about.
Currently, your striking your last match in a wet cave underground; you’re using all your will to ignite, watching the flame struggle for oxygen, after beating the damp flint at its own game, not knowing which way it is going to go, Ignites ! Finally there is a light to begin your navigation out of this underground cave, as Mercury begins to make its way to the light of August & Leo Season 🦁💥♌️🌈
#thebrujamix #mercuryretrograde #mercuryretrograde2019 #mercuryretrogradecancer #astrology #astroweather #astrotransits #mercurydirect

Leo New Moon: Inflammāre

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📸Jamon Jamon 🎞👌❤️ 

The Leo New Moon on August 1st @ 1312 (ASET) is our official slamming shut of the Eclipse window which has occupied June & July’s Skyscape.   The Eclipse Season, plus the pile up of Planets on the Cancer Capricorn Axis, which focused heavily on the consequences of ignoring in-balances of Private and Public Spheres, was grinding to say the least. Nourishment & Emotional Needs vs Requirements and Pressures from External forces, in order to keep up with the functions of Societies rigid frameworks and expectations; making the past 2 months feel like a slow soft boil set to constant. 🍳The Leo New Moon is when we see that slow cook finally turned off.

As we move into August, where 3 of the 4 personal planets transit Leo and make positive aspects to Jupiter in Sagittarius, allows a restoration of faith and optimism, that Jupiter in Sadge always brings.  His aspects to the Sun, Mercury, Venus & Mars who are in need of Jupiter’s restorative rays are well timed considering the heavy storms created by June & Julys Astro-weather.  This Leo New Moon really gets this process going, helping shift the focus FROM heavy emotional and hard to move out of thoughts and feelings (thanks Mercury Rx in Cancer), DELIVERING us to a place of conviction to move past the issues that have been nabbing us at our heels for the past 2 months. The New Moon in Leo is the start point – from  where we finally get to survey our newly formed Lands and Kingdoms from above, inspiring the creative and stoking the fires of what possibilities await.  Finally the wet wood is drying out and this New Moon allows us to gently and safely gets us stoking and burning the Fires again. We are finally getting moving again ! ♌️🌚❤️👌🚗🦁🐣🙌🏽 🌈⚡️ ⚡️

#thebrujamix #newmooninleo #newmoon #leomoonsign♌ #eclipseseasoncloser #astrology #astrologytransits #astroweather

📸jamon jamon 🎞👌❤️

Sun in Leo – Return of the King


Happy Sun into Leo, as of like now ! The Sun finally reaches its domicile, home or sign of its Rulership. It is now that we can begin to feel our way out of the abyss, that we have felt stranded in over the past 2 months.

The Sun’s ingress into Leo today, begins this process … but the full fruits of this shift will not begin until the New Moon in Leo, August 1st AEST….The New Moon in Leo our first non-eclipsed Lunation since June 3rd. How much has changed or shifted since June 3rd ?!!

The Sun’s shift in to Leo today, we can begin to see the fruits of our time alone in the abyss as things become clearer, or optimistic.  With this shift into Leo season, as The Sun & other planets transit Leo, it  also marks the beginnings of positive aspects to Jupiter in Sagittarius, good time guru and wise teacher, finally gets to have some positive help after 2 months of Planetary bodies being caught up in the Doom Clutters of Pluto & Saturn in Capricorn entangled with the Moons Nodes.

The Sun’s ingress into Leo is the first shafts of light, presenting  this new paradigm, finally the pressure is beginning to subside, and its start point is literally NOW 🤗💥❤️🌞♌️🦁

Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn – Relating to Relations

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Photo : Emma Summerton


The Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn tomorrow is conjoined Saturn, our keeper of lessons, the master of restriction and it will oppose Venus; the bringer of joy and cohesive Relationships, in Cancer. This eclipse on the South Node is allowing the release of old ideas around relationships, while opening a space for new formations, as the South Node has a purging effect on the planets its aspects.

Saturn conjoined the South Node, means these may be long standing patterns that are plum ripe to be let go of.  Self – limiting mindsets around relationships, have a helping hand in being let go of, as this Cancer / Capricorn Axis is activated fully for the first time in this eclipse series.  Eclipses ARE the gateways of change.

Cancer and Capricorn speaks to the see-sawing around nourishment, person comforts, protection and space VS the need to exert oneself into the world, in an attempt to be seen with a long list accomplishment, no matter what the barriers.  Cancer doesn’t always feel comfortable in propelling its self into the world to be exposed and vulnerable,  whereas Capricorn isn’t always able to see that looking after one’s self or the care of those they hold the nearest and dearest; can be of more value than Status, Power or Money it chases. This is the sea-saw motion being navigated by tomorrow eclipse, with Venus and Saturn being drawn into the mix allowing for a purging of Old Value Systems around Relationships and Power, between yourself and the environments you seek to climb. Some very old stories might be dredged up at this Eclipse. It’s time to restore the balance if it has become uneven, or to let go of the stuff that is blocking the path forward. Where do you need to open yourself up more?

Venus isn’t having the best time opposing the South Node, Pluto and Saturn.  However, post eclipse, allows for a fire purging of Venus, burning off the residual of all that is trying to constrain her momentum forward.  This Post Eclipse burn off, when Venus is meeting the Sun then opposing Pluto, is a road she must travel to revitalise and purge allowing her to make the most of the new cycle, which awaits. Saturn which always limits and controls, will be asked by the Moon & The South Node, to delved deep into emotional waters, to separate and strip what is not needed in this new phase and what has been out grown and superfluous.  The South Node/Saturn conjunction last longer than the actual eclipse. But tomorrows eclipse speeds up the urgency and blocks out the light to allow the purging and releasing to take place,  as we make our way to an exciting and contrasting Leo Season ❤️💫🌕🌖🌗🌘🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕💥