August Monthly Horoscopes


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The Sun’s transit through Leo this August breaks up the Cardinal siege which was reactivated in late June and July by the Sun’s movement through the sign of Cancer.  June and July spot lit some incredibly difficult terrain and may have highlighted some strong issues and flaws, which need addressing over time, both internally and externally.

With the Sun moving into Leo, the motivation to fix or improve these situations, is stronger and less daunting as we see more opportunities for solution and the increasing assistance on offer, thanks to other planetary supports. The Sun’s entry into Leo on July 22nd/23rd saw clarity and strength come knocking at the door, opening new reserves of energy and inspiration, thanks to the break-up of the planetary tensions currently held on the Cardinal axis (Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn).

The Leo Sun is supported by Mars in Aries, both planets in signs of their rulership, both active planets that LOVE to move and motivate. Mars in Aries shares the same fire and yang energy as the Sun in Leo and in August they connect to each other in a supportive trine aspect.  This fire energy brings motivation, vitality and break throughs. This is the beauty of August astrologically speaking, we finally get some movement and traction.  August has a lot of yang fire energy which allows us to put our emotions aside and offers strength as well as the resolve needed as we move forwards with 2020’s challenges.

In light of all the heat and friction created by the Sun and Mars contacts all month, we also have Venus entering Cancer in the first week of August. Venus finally completes her 3-month retrograde cycle in Gemini as she shifts into Cancer giving a cooling affect to help temper all the previously mentioned fire activity. Venus will be appreciative of this entry into Cancer, an element (Water) that she enjoys, after 3 months of integration, reform, change and evolution of Gemini themes, stories and activities (communications, networks, social activities, sociability, online presences etc).  Venus moves to create a more healing and nurturing influence as she moves over some very tender Cancer territory as well as giving temperance to the extreme heat created by Sun and Mars, helping counter the potentials for burn out.

Mercury will enter Virgo, also a sign of its rulership from the 20th of August, which creates great opportunity for Mercury to do what it does, well! i.e.: write, reading, create, plan, trade, network, analysis and processing. Mercury is our intellect and our acumen, meaning late August will be excellent for Mercury type activities and initiations.

Overall August is a great month, we have 3 planets in their Rulership (The Sun, Mars and Mercury), which means they get to operate in the way they know and act best.  Things may still be very challenging, personally and globally, however August does offer some of the best Astrology for 2020, creating space to recharge and tap into The Sun (vitality, visibility and HEALTHY ego centring) Mars (energy, charge, motivation, impulse, physicality and doing) and Mercury (intellect, analyse, communications, reading, writing and business affairs). Perhaps some of the most supportive astrological transits for the 2nd half of 2020, August is a great time to help re-align and bridge as we move towards the challenging aspect of Mars retrograding in Aries later this year.

 Below is a sign by sign breakdown on where this energy will be occurring in chart, on a general level. Please note, if you know your rising sign, read that as well.  If you are interested in a personalised reading, feel free to contact me direct.


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Leo / Leo Rising 

August brings opportunities to recharge, and shines a light on all you have achieved, what you are going to achieve, and survived in 2020. The Sun returning home, brings its warmth, focus, and nurturing, offering strength and sustenance. Mars, also supports by reconnecting with your belief systems and philosophies. August helps to reignite and centralise by re-affirming beliefs in both yourself and in others.

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Virgo / Virgo Rising

Venus creates new resolutions in your career and reputation sector, before shifting her focus, to community groups and social networks. Venus loves connection and harmonisation; this offers some lovely respite after a difficult seven months. Reaching out and becoming more active in your local groups, networks or community brings pleasing and refreshing rewards.

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Libra / Libra Rising 

The Sun’s light and warmth circulates within social groups, networks and local community. This is where you shine, feeling the warmth of re-connection after surviving a challenging seven months. Having Venus in your career and reputation sector also supports. Venus offers joy, harmony, fun with supportive energy, by bringing things together. Work activities are more pleasurable than usual. Social engagements also offer satisfying rewards.

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Scorpio / Scorpio Rising 

After a challenging year the Sun lights up your career and reputation sector. The Sun illuminates, providing a layer of certainty and reliability around this area.  Mars is strong and your health and daily routine have good traction all month, because of this Mars influence. Real results can be achieved through health and activating that “to-do” list, as we solider through 2020.

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Sagittarius / Sagittarius Rising 

The Sun activates your philosophy, personal beliefs, and education sector making this August the perfect time to explore, such topic. Are there any courses that have been catching your eye recently? Any self-limiting beliefs that are outdated and need to go? The Sun and Mars are in a great position to support each other encouraging creative hobbies or projects, bringing good teachers, that work in supporting positive expressions, allowing you to let go of things that could  be holding you back.

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Capricorn / Capricorn Rising 

Venus graces your relationships in August, offering a remedy to the pressures you have been under all year.  She provides some lovely encounters strengthening your bonds with others. Mars motivates and energizes activities in, or around the home or family. Good for engaging with any home improvements or home based activities.

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Aquarius / Aquarius Rising 

The Sun highlights your personal relationships, bringing positivity and joy to this area.   Opportunities to connect and radiate are abundant. Venus brings pleasure into the daily grind of your daily schedule. Together, Venus and the Sun allow the xsimplest and basic of exchanges in your daily life, creating softer and more enjoyable moments to take focus, within an otherwise challenging 2020.


Pisces / Pisces Rising 

Having your daily routines and health sector lit up helps with rebalancing, after an intensive 2020. The Sun adds warmth and radiance as you go about your business which is refreshing and stabilising. Venus makes relations around the home more pleasurable before she shifts to focusing on creative endeavours and children. Venus likes pleasure and is never short on opportunity or experience,  answer the call, when she comes knocking at your door.


Aries / Aries Rising 

Mars, gets things moving offering lots of vitality and energy. Blowing off steam through physical exercise is a great use of this energy.  The Sun sheds light on creative projects, creating passion and enthusiasm, so you might be drawn to put your energy into new such endeavours or ones that have slipped to the wayside. August is very much a month of getting out and doing, after surviving a very stop start 2020.

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Taurus / Taurus Rising 

The Sun’s focus is on your home, family and ancestors. Connecting to and spending more time focused on these areas and on people, helps nurture and warms after a challenging seven month period. Sprouting new seeds and cultivating fresh connections is beneficial in August. Venus moves to light up and create connections with your local neighbourhood, reinforcing the benefits of investing time and energy in your home, family and local surroundings.

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Gemini / Gemini Rising 

Venus shifting into your money sector, making those self-gratification purchases way more attractive. A good time to invest in objects or products to either beautify yourself and your surroundings. Venus in your finance house is also useful for attracting more money and earnings. August has real potential to increase wealth and self-value.

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Cancer / Cancer Rising 

August shines new perspectives or options on the work front with regards to income and to what your worth is. August offers an ability to see more of the opportunities. Mars in your Career sector is the energetic get up and go. Venus moving into Cancer, enhances your visibility by giving you a magnetic quality. Getting out and being able to be seen is to your advantage during August, as you solider on in 2020.

Sun Opposite Saturn – Cardinal Chess

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📸Isabelle Hubbert as Madame Bovary By Claude Chabrol

Deep in darkness, restriction and burdens weigh heavy. Hours after the New Moon in Cancer, its effects are heightened with the Sun’s opposition to Saturn. The Sun’s light revealing the cracks, as it pours light from an opposing angle, allowing a new view of what has been bound together and constructed.

This occurring deep in the darkness of the ‘new’ moon, IS hard. Waiting for the moons first crescent of light to hatch, is uncomfortable. When this light is shed La Luna is finally able to help, lessen the intensity of feeling and emotion. Until then, this is where we will be.

The cracks and stress fractures are currently well-lit and obvious. The Sun opposite Saturn makes any weakness apparent, any regrets glaringly obvious. We will be sitting with this, waiting and wandering, lamenting as we gather ourselves for the Sun to progress into Leo on July 23rd.

When the Sun enters Leo, we are welcomed with its warmth and more inspired to play in its light.  It is at this time that the first of the moon’s new light begins to shine down upon us. Allowing us to move forward with the insights gleaned over this challenging dark moon cycle. Until then we sit and a wait, processing as we anticipate the return of the King, and the Sun’s entry into Leo.

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New Moon in Cancer – Finding Roots in the Dark

212C8D1D-E9A0-4CED-89CF-7D4C2D8BD8FBEarly in the hours of Tuesday 21st  July AEST we witness the first non-eclipsed lunation in three lunar cycles. A Second opportunity presents for the New Moon in Cancer, to bare roots after 19 months of eclipses on this axis of Cancer (Moon ruled) / Capricorn (Saturn ruled).

For the first time in 19 months a Moon in Cancer or Capricorn is not being harmed or damaged by an Eclipse and it’s fortuitously on the second Cancer New Moon, in 28 days (not common).

The New Moon at 28°of Cancer is exactly opposite Saturn in Capricorn. A heavy and restrictive weight. Saturn being applied at this New Moon doesn’t make for great comfort. Saturn likes to strip back down to basics, getting down to the nitty gritty, its preference is for prolonged strict consistency and routine.  Saturn can also be grief, facing reality as well as facing karmic realities of decisions previously made, through this 19-month period.

Potentially a time to celebrate, getting our Cancer and Capricorn Moon cycles back, the sombre tone and confronting the stark realities we now maybe facing, gives more gravitas and grieving to things we leave behind at this New Moon. We aren’t clear as to which direction this new world we are about to create will take us. A fresh cycle, is being born out of 19 months of stress, challenge, change, especially for anyone with their Sun, Moon or personal planets in these signs, will feel this more strongly.

The days leading up to new moons are traditionally times of rest, release and purging of old debris. Our current dark moon period is extra potent due all that has been stirred around Cancer and Capricorn axis over the past 19 months, with the eclipses along with other planets on this axis.

This New Moon in Cancer is a start point, on where we can begin to redirect our energies to get things back on track within the Cancer and Capricorn areas of life, as sombre as the tone maybe, there is real opportunity to begin something long lasting and more true to form, even if the picture, hasn’t been fully formed yet …..

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