June Astrological Highlights

Screen Shot 2017-05-31 at 6.03.51 PM“What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.” — John Steinbeck

The Astrological Highlights of June start off beautifully with Venus and Mercury going into their ruling sign’s. Finally giving them the chance to reinstate their full power and drive, after being stuck in the Retrograde cycle for most of the year.

Venus on June 7th makes her ingress into Taurus a sign of her rulership, after being Retrograde since late February. In her retrograde cycle she was challenged at a number of points by both Saturn (karma and reality checks) as well as being in the sign of Aries. A fire sign which gets quite heated for an earth and air loving Venus.  Venus’s ingress into Taurus allows Venus to breath and make good on all her plans and lessons that have been fighting to get air time since late February.  Venus, being stuck in this loop has seen lots of things being thrown around but not much traction for getting Venus things done !  Venusian pleasure will finally take centre stage and the pleasure of being able to do it will be twofold ! June 7th would be a lovely time to take a moment and celebrate it.

On the same day – Mercury who has also been stuck in the retrograde pattern this time in Taurus/Aries, makes its way into Gemini, the sign of its rulership. It to, like Venus has been stuck in a strange time warp, in a sign that it doesn’t really get along with. Mercury the trickster when Retrograde tends to play its tricks in the style of the sign its retrograde in. The Retrograde it has just come out of had the double doozy of being conjunct Uranus. The planet of the unexpected, change and revolutionary ideas. It can be Genius but it can also be chaotic. With Mercury’s ingress into Gemini – like Venus it gets to finally get some traction in a sign that shows off its, strengths, ideas, communication and technology;  finally moving forward, in a progressive way. Strong  foundations have been made after the Retrograde strengthening.

So with 2 of the most important personal and internal planets finally at their best positions all year,  3 days later Jupiter, the great giver of gifts and expansion also moves direct from its Retrograde in Libra. (Yes that’s how may planets have been retrograde over the past 2 months !). Jupiter finally goes direct conjunct or next to the Full Moon in Sagittarius, its ruler (party emoji).  Emotional cleansing of the Full Moon &  expansion, rebalancing and artistic growth with Jupiter Direct, The lessons learnt from the last 5 months, this is a nice reward. Jupiter likes to expand and make things bigger. Libra is all about justice, balancing the individual and the collective on artistic and egalitarian realms. It strives for a balance to all things both politically and artistically.  There might be a feeling of new equilibrium as Jupiter enters its last third of its transit of Libra. Make the most of this before the balance of expansion and ideas moves into a heavier and more underworld or internal sphere, with its entry into Scorpio in October this year.

Mars enters Cancer on June 5th. Yes that is 4 planets changing signs within a week. Brings down the tone a little bit. With all the energy shifts happening across a week, Mars’s entry into Cancer sees a bit of a slow down around all the other energies who are working in their optimal spaces. Mars – your power source as well as your ability to assert yourself isn’t so comfortable in Cancer. Cancer is Cardinal Water or the General of the Water signs, Mars a Fire energy, it ain’t so happy in Water. What Mars in Cancer does do is bring down the Mars fire and energy to bring it inward. There will be more focus on emotions and emotional wellbeing. A positive use of this energy is to work through any emotional blocks for feelings that you might have. Therapy would be really good to do right now if you feel it would help advance you. The negative side to this energy would be to be malicious or emotional manipulative to other around you. Being to needy or even having a few drinks before the emo beast arises and is unleashed. Mars in Cancer needs to be contained and to be aware of, as an energy before you decide to unleash any emo stuff onto other people. Always ask – where is this coming from. Is this the best way and time to express it. Mars in Cancer is intuition and emotions turbo charges – Especially around the solstice ! when things may feel other worldly. But it might not always come out as articulately as you think, as Mars and Cancer aren’t comfortable in each others spheres naturally.

Full Moon on 9th June in Sagittarius will be a stonker of a Full Moon. Conjunct or next to Jupiter its ruler going direct. Full Moons LOVE something to Bounce off and when its next to its ruler going direct, June 9th will be one hell of a night. The breath of fresh air from Venus and Mercury’s entry into Taurus and Gemini will really bounce off this Full Moon and it will be the break in the energy we have been waiting for, for months ! IF there is a Full Moon to celebrate this year, this would be it.

The Sun entering Cancer on June 21st signifies the Winters Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere and the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. With the New Moon occurring 24th / 25th of June trine Venus in Taurus, The Solstice will have a nice Venus influence emotionally connecting us to Venus / Solstice type things. Nurture,Food, Land, Nature, Relations with others and Health. The Solstices are naturally turbo charged with a thinning of the veils between the worlds. It’s also great natural re-set button. With June’s positive and strong beginning the Solstices will be a nice time to reset and look back on all the hard work done in the first 6 months of the year.

Post Solstice – Mars our inner warrior must get bored with all this wonderful resetting and re-evaluation and applies some action towards the end of the month.

As the month closes Mars’s gets up to its old tricks and starts to want to break out of the relaxed jovial setting. In the last week of June, It opposes Pluto and Squares Jupiter. Mars is an aggressor and accelerant, a get up and doer. When it opposes Pluto in Capricorn its emotional and intuitive slant in Cancer begins to awaken a beast in Capricorn the sign of Governance, Status and Power. There could be some internal or external power issues between power and your emotions. Or it could be a reassessment of what you think of as a status tool,  is it really emotionally serving you.

Mars squaring off to Jupiter might add some heat to this balancing act that Jupiter has just been able to stretch its legs on. The aggressive emotional assessment of what Jupiter has in play to keep everyone at bay, may come into question or is challenge. Perhaps from a personal perspective once again an emotional/intuitive assessment of what is Jupiter proposes internally or externally may come under the microscope, Head vs Intuition kinds of testings.

Overall June sees a releasing of lots of withheld energy and pressure, with things beginning to come around again.  The pleasure and ease we think things should be, begins to return.  The Solstice and Moons this month are particularly healthy and positive, feeding some great energy into this resetting time. As the month closes Mars may come in and throw a little tanty at the party. But hey where would be with out some Martial interference. Its nothing compared to what we have just been through for the past 6 months, right !


2017 Astrology – Fire Walk With Me

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“The finest steel has to go through the hottest fire”

Richard M. Nixon

2017 is very much the 2nd book end of 2016, before moving into a very different era from 2018.

This year will bring the a much-needed spark and creativity needed before we bunk down and get down with the hard work in the 2018 – 2020 era, as Saturn, Uranus and Pluto will dominate from Earth based signs.

2017 is a year where any major plans, dreams, goals or visions will be constantly evolving and your job is to get down with the hustle and see things as short-term opportunities for you to evolve with the goal. These gains will be seen post 2017.

This coming year is not the year to force things through in a linear step by step, A … B…. C  kind of logic. The volatility of all the major transits occurring in the last degrees of Fire signs will disrupt any non flexible forwards planning. A bit like 2016’s fire monkey year; agility, flexibility and mutability is your friend !  Being on guard and aware of the nature of this elemental force to change and mutate is the way to circumnavigate 2017.

2016 had an almighty Mars retrograde (a fire planet being disturbed and unleashed for 8 months instead of 6 weeks ! ), Saturn in Sagittarius (a return of structure to a 30 year cycle in a fire sign) as well as the Saturn / Neptune Square, which was the major aspect that defined 2016. The Saturn / Neptune dynamic was as Astrologer Austin Coppock says was a “Waves and Walls” transit. Waves of People/Ideas/Fantasies hitting Walls. Brexit, The American Election, The Refugee Crisis where people literally were traveling in on waves and water and meeting walls of governments and armies. 2016 was delusion busting time and as we move into 2017  we now look to how we must operate in a world where it is fresh in our minds how the Neptunian vision & fantasy can meet obstruction and harsh realities.

2017 like 2016 has a lot of energy placed in Fire signs, in most cases a repeated transit trigger points at the last degrees of Fire signs (Aries, Sagittarius, Leo). This means if you were born in the last week of any of these Fire Signs, you will feel a flurry of activity around your Sun and other planets or points you have at these degrees. You will feel it more than most. Most of you  fire types will get off on it, some will learn to work with what is inherently at your ego’s core as it gets reawakened,  like a tree seed in a bush fire. The rest of the elements – Earth, Water and Air learn to work with the most intense and unstable of all the elemental energies. Any one born in the last week and a half of any sign will feel these energies by default as these energies will aspect to your natal energy points.

Below is the major transits for the year and some of the interesting astrological points of 2017.

Mercury Retrograde – Mercury goes retrograde 3 – 4 times a year for 6 weeks including its time in the shadow. Its something most people are aware of as a transit. 2017 sees all these Mercury retrograde’s occurring in Fire signs. This gives the Mercury Retrogrades a more heated flavour and they are going retrograde over points of the fire signs which have been activated this year by other major transit points at this degree in fire. In layman’s terms. The last degrees of any signs are the most potent and these last degrees of Fire Signs have had a bit of a working over already !

When the planet of Communication (Mercury / Hermes) makes its retrograde motions over these fire points you will be looking at receiving new information, reflecting on past communications etc. Just make sure you don’t shoot your mouth off going over old territory in a rant of passion. That would be the low energy use of these retrograde’s ! Use it to evolve a creative vision or something you are passion about. Use the Retro to seek answers to deep questions, you don’t have to shoot your mouth off.

Mercury Retro: 

April 10th @ 4 degrees Taurus – May 4th @ 24 degrees Aries

August 13th @ 11 degrees Virgo – September 5th @ 28 degrees Leo.

December 3 @ 28 degrees Sadge – 23rd December @ 13 degrees Sadge

Venus Retrograde – Venus goes retrograde every 18 months for 40 days and 40 nights. She goes to the underworld, hangs out with Hades (or the devil) and then pops out the other side to be visible as a morning star. During the disappearance of Venus from the night sky she will be going back to a retrograde cycle from 8 years ago. Venus will Retrograde in Aries not the most tranquil or peaceful of signs for Venus to reflect in. There will be serious refocusing and assessments of the “I” or the Individual within Relationships and how current relationships are working for you as an “I”. A capital no one else is on the agenda, “I” kind of way. If it isn’t going so well, make sure that you don’t bring any Mars fury to this mix. Aries as ruled by Mars and with Venus “weakend” by this Retrograde try not to unleash hell if you find things aren’t as you like.  This is also not the time to do anything to yourself beauty wise that can’t be reversed easy. This retrograde is a nice time to reflect and assess, get some old self grooming things happening again, ie: self care. Just don’t fall for the aggressive nature that Venus in Aries can have.

Venus Retrograde: March 4th @ 13 Degrees Aries – April 15th @ 26 Degrees Pisces

The Eclipses – Eclipses happen 2x a year in opposite signs for 2 years at a time. Eclipses are super moons that relay information to you that may not be immediately revealed. Information is eclipsed !

The last of the Virgo / Pisces Eclipses occurs on Monday 27th of February as a Solar Eclipse. This eclipse closes a 2 year cycle and will be conjunct Neptune and the South Node. Huge !! Neptune is Pisces ruler and the South Node is about Past Lives. This is a massive eclipse to end on and don’t be surprised if you have surreal dreams or a message comes to you through your subconscious which helps let go of old habits that keep you in the past !

The First New Moon Solar Eclipse in the Leo / Aquarius Axis will take place on August 22nd  @ 28 degrees Leo. This Eclipse is HUGE !

This Eclipse will be the first time since 1918 that a Solar Eclipse will be 100% full across the entire United States. It will begin in the Pacific North West and will be fully visual right down to the Southern East Coast of America. Its been nick named the big American Eclipse. The Eclipse is conjunct the North Node (Fate and Destiny) which has just entered Leo @ 28 degrees. This eclipse is also exactly on President Donald Trump’s Ascendant and conjunct his natal Mars. So this is a massive date for next year with many interesting things expected to come from it. Astrology isn’t predictive in a down to the dirty detail way, but it is a great way to look at energy points to see how it might manifest after looking at whats going on at the time and looking to past cycles that have been similar. This eclipse is perhaps the biggest thing Astrologers have flagged for the entirety of 2017 for the energy it draws on at the time and also that fact it is so strongly placed in the President elect’s chart . The physical nature of it being visible for the entire North American continent for the first time in 100 years is also huge.

February 27th New Moon Solar Eclipse in Pisces 8 degrees @ 0158 Sydney Time Conjunct Neptune and the South Node.

August 22nd New Moon Solar Eclipse @ 28 Degrees Leo @ 0430 Sydney Time – Conjunct the North Node.

Jupiter Opposite Uranus – Jupiter Opposite Uranus will hit 2 x exactly in 2017 but will be in orb and bouncing off squares to Pluto all year. Jupiter Opposite Uranus will be a push-pull on the two following ideas. Jupiter in Libra’s need to expand social justice and fairness within the tribe while Uranus in Aries will be opposing it say no what about my individual need to be able to be my own change agent and personal freedoms. Idealism vs Revolution. In previous contacts with these planets the American and French Revolution occurred, The Moon landing occurred when these planets were conjunct, Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas when it was in opposition. These planets are great indicators for expansive change to do around innovations for mankind.  The Internet is a Uranian innovation. When Jupiter and Uranus meet the expansion of innovation and revolution always eventuate but not always as one would expect. It is not as harsh as Saturn / Neptune, and it is working under the shadow of the changes that it brought.  But Jupiter / Uranus always goes big. Perhaps a ground breaking resolution to the Dakota Pipeline Protests. Innovative for the US with regards to Indiginous People’s Land Rights as well as a continuation of the Waves/Water and Walls water theme of the Saturn /Neptune square from 2016, which this protest was started under.

December 27 2016 @ 20 degrees, 2nd of March 2017 @ 22 degrees, September 28th 2017 @ 27 degrees of Aries and Libra.

Saturn Trine Uranus – Saturn will form trines (positive) aspects to Uranus on and off its opposition to Jupiter. This will give the Jupiter / Uranus transits an opportunity to ground itself (even tho it will be in Sagittarius a fire sign). This will help stabilise and settle the above process as it grows and evolves.

24 December 2016, 19 May 2017, 11 November 2017 in Sadge and Aries.

Jupiter Square Pluto – This is the first transit listed that doesn’t involve a fire sign. Jupiter Square Pluto is a very powerful dynamic and one that I feel will be the main stand alone player of the year. Jupiter the great benefic and expander will make a challenging aspect to Pluto / Hades or God of the Underworld. This will be a great opportunity to challenge and expand psychological mindsets that hold you down and will allow you to break free of certain mindsets that maybe holding you back. This isn’t a quick or fast paced energy but it is one that allows you to do some deep level clearing out of the psyche. Jupiter will be bringing in energy from a Librian slant. So there will be an element of the mind, intellect, Justice or even Art leading the charge in overcoming Plutonic re-workings of Government, Status/Image and Work challenges.

24th November 2016, 30 March 2017 & 4 August 2017 in Libra and Capricorn.

2017 sees us finishing off the changing dynamics 2016 offered, but in a slightly less aggressive way. With fresh optimism as Jupiter and Uranus come into focus. With Pluto playing strongly in these major trends.  It is an opportunity to move past deep psychological/sub-conscience shadow plays, which may previously have held you back.

2017 will help ease these changes in an expansive and potentially revolutionary or innovative way. It will be the last push to reconfigure your spark before strong conservatism looks to take over as the main energy coming into play. From 2018 as we enter the Saturn in Capricorn era, changing the landscape from a fiery smorgasbord to a slow earthy low hum, with deep structural shifts. This will be a slow but ‘structurally’ sound and conservative changes of affairs once we move away from 2017.



Mars Conjunct Pluto – The Transmutation

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There’s no map to human behaviour.


This week is Mars Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn – creating the great transmutation. Every 2 years Mars the Warrior meets Pluto the God of the Underworld, to excellerate the evolutionary process. Mars is the accelerant to Pluto’s transformative powers as they join in Capricorn a sign that Mars relishes. Mars is super souped up after spending most of the year in Scorpio and Sagittarius due to an almighty retrograde.

Mars is the old ruler of Scorpio, with Pluto being its newer ruler. These two know each other and this Mars is super hot and turbo charged after being held up, delayed, frustrated yet reflective and self analysing in Scorpio. Its focus was the inner sub conscious, psychology, depth, the shadow and other people’s money, debt and loans. It then got fired up with Sagittarian things such as philosophy, travel, adventure and culture. Now it is in Capricorn where it’s thinking logistics, building, status and power, money and government. All these things blending together in this newly formed flame. When it meets Pluto this week it is firing up things that can transform you. Resurrect you.

Mars conjunct Pluto in Capricorn is an energetic release of energy that is really propelling you to take the bull by the horns and come out of the chrysalis. Things may happen suddenly and abruptly or they could be you deciding to step it up and speed up any transformation or change that you have been toying with for a while. The catch is that it might be in your sub conscious and not fully conscious. Because it is Pluto there will be fear attached. But Mars is here to burn off the fear and pull you out from a new birthing. This doesn’t have to be negative, it all depends where you are at.

Mars during its retrograde made a strong conjunction to Saturn, Capricorn’s is ruler in the past 3 months, making this a 3 way triple hit of rulers and signs blending and working with each other over a very small time period and it’s game on.

This Mars and Pluto conjunction will affect on a micro and macro level, with things also playing out on the world stage.  Jupiter coming in from Libra will also give a sub flow of an exaggerating need of balance of the individual and the group as well as justice.

The next few weeks will be interesting and a really good time to harness this energy at play and really work with it rather than against the process. How this unfolds for you as an individual and where it may play out will depend on your chart but this is a wonderful landscape for new beginnings and allowing the shadow side to be observed and welcomed to the whole. Bringing the shadow out of its shadow.

Peace xx

JUPITER IN LIBRA: Harmonising Balance


” Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”   Albert Einstein 

Saturday 10th of September marks the ingress of Jupiter in to Libra after spending the last 13 months in Virgo. Jupiter in Virgo has seen the jovial expander and growth merchant apply to all things Virgoan; things such as work, daily routines & habits, health, body & body image.  Jupiter has enhanced, exaggerated or increased the focus of these things over the past year. Reflecting and reverberating in the area of life Virgo rules in your birth chart, which Jupiter was activating.

Jupiter in Virgo hasn’t always been easy as Jupiter is in detriment or simply is not completely comfortable in Virgo, it can’t expand as naturally as it would like. The 2 energies just don’t see things eye to eye. This shift into Libra finally sees Jupiter enter a sign that is receptive to Jupiter’s natural expansive behaviour, really gelling with Librian ideals of balance, harmony, relationships, creativity and artistry and justice. This should be a nice shift after the recent events such as Brexit and the refugee crisis. It will be interesting to see how these things are managed now Jupiter has ingressed in to Libra.

This shift of Jupiter is also happening at a time when other big cycles are completing. The much talked about Saturn / Neptune Square makes its final exact hit this week, with its final blast of either delusion busting or creative restructuring which began back in November 2015. This weekend also makes the mid-point of the last of the Virgo / Pisces Eclipses which is also a cycle in its ending. Eclipses are mass cleansing with its deep level affects taking up to 2 weeks – 6 months to manifest or reveal. All this whilst Mercury is retrograde in a sign it rules, Virgo !

Jupiter in Libra is fundamentally about harmony, balance,  justice, artistry and relationships. The expansion or exaggeration of these ideals in the area of life transiting Jupiter is hitting when it visits Libra in your chart is how this energy is interpreted.  Jupiter is the great gift giver, whether it be grounding or catapulting. Where Libra sits in your chart is the area of life that this Jupiter will grow with a Librian flavour.

Jupiter takes 12 – 13 months to transit a sign making it a  once in a 12 – 13 year cycle. The idea of these cycles is you grow and build from the last transit cycle 12 years ago and looking back to the last time Jupiter transited Libra is good to give you clues on what might be relevant or pertinent to you specifically.  The last two most recent Jupiter transits of Libra was October 11 1992 – Nov 10 1993 & September 25 2004 – October 25 2005, look to these time periods for clues as to what should be built.

Libra is a Cardinal Air sign. It’s a doer, its intellectual and it loves art, beauty and friendship. Moving on from Virgo’s focus on work, the body and day-to-day routine, this movement is looking to share this expansion with relationships with others and externalize the inner work  to an outer world and sphere. There is an element of pleasure and engagement with people, after all the day to day work done after its Virgo transit. With Jupiter in Libra its time to take creative buoyancy and enjoy the smoother waters of a more balanced energy when dealing with creativity and your presentation of self and your engagment with other in the outer sphere. This shift will be a real game changer as we step in to October and we feel a little more breathing space.



Jupiter will be activating your 7th house the natural home of Libra. Positive and helpful relationships with people will be fateful and fortuitous, with the potential to take a key relationship next level. As the 7th house also rules your ‘open enemies’ make sure you are always operating from your higher self and don’t get thrown if someone challenging you pops up ! It’s all in the name of self betterment and strengthening your relations with others and having a brilliant time while you’re doing it. Creative collaborations are blessed.


Jupiter in your 6th house should see harmonious betterment in the areas of your daily routines, work and health routines. Having fun with your food, body image as well might pop up. This is a natural follow on from Jupiter in Virgo as Jupiter now hits Virgo’s natural home for you, however with the Librian influence things will be more harmonious and you will use your intellect to help push these things forward. You might also want to look at adding some sort of creative or artistic bent or element to you daily routine to max out this Jupiter in Libra influence.


5th house focus of creative expression, true love and children (whether it be you have them or explore your own inner child) will be the focus of Jupiter for you this year. A bit like Taurus there is a big focus of creative expression for you. This will be a really pleasurable thing for you to explore or develop over this coming year. Libra has a strong artistic bent and the 5th house is the house of creativity for ego/self-expression and betterment. So do what ever really floats your boat that gives you an element of expression or creativity, Jupiter will really give you some satisfying rewards if you embrace it.


Libra in Jupiter in the 4th house is all about home, family, origins and your deep roots. Things will be more happy and jovial around the home and some really lovely experiences or time will be well spent exploring or just simply enjoying this. This is a really nice gift for Cancerians as the 4th house is the natural home of your Cancer Sun. With Jupiter in Libra activating this area of your chart, it will be a really nice home-coming and lots of good foundations will be strengthened whist you have a grand old-time doing it !  This would be a great time to buy a home if you were in the market.


Leo will have their 3rd house of communication, media, publishing and small trip activated. You will most likely be a voice of reason as Libra gives you the gift of the balancing gab over the next 13 months, something not always associated with Leo. Any small trips away will be good and l for you and you will perhaps find  new areas for your communication and expanding your methods of how you communicate.


Chach Ching, after having Jupiter go through your 1st house of self and how you represent your self to the world, its time for the pay off !  2nd house Jupiter transits see you expand your sense of self-worth and financially see your pay increase. The 2nd house is all about your finances that you earn or create and your self worth. The next 13 months will be about you building a strong sense of self worth and increased income as Jupiter gives you gifts of work and insights that you didn’t see coming.


1st house transit of Jupiter is all about you ! it’s all about your image, how you represent yourself to the world and how the world sees you ! Jupiter kind of likes to indulges so my only advice is watch the waist line it can quite easily expand with a who gives a fuq .. I’m enjoying myself to much to care ! Jupiter will give you a nice happy glow which will see others enjoy your company as you being your next full Jupiter cycle starting the outside ..before going in !


The inner secret world of the 12th house will be expanded by Jupiter transit. The inner realm, the sanctuary of the inner space you create to rest in or create will be expanded and given the gifts of insight as Jupiter finishes its 12 yearly cycle around your horoscope. Whether you just take time out, pursue some spiritual practice or just do whatever internally makes you happy,  you will get great reward and benefits from this ! Scorpio likes to go deep so Jupiter lighting a light within the inner self with the more calming and balancing energy of libra applying will see this be a great little transit for insights and internally recalibrating.


Sagittarius is the natural ruler of Jupiter, so you know this energy well and for this year your ruler will be activating your 11th  house of friendships, community groups and goals and ambitions. Basically its going to be a great year for networking, seeing or creating new friendships and getting involved in any kind of social activism. These are all things the Libra loves and Jupiter there expanding them and creating brilliant opportunities for you to indulge in them, which will be a really nice thing. Just watch out you don’t party to hard ! Because Sadges do like to party !


When Jupiter hits Libra in Capricorn 10th house you’re in your happy place ! the great gift giver and benefactor is activating your natural Capricorn sun’s home of Career, Status, Reward and Reputation. Libra a fellow Cardinal sign will give you some nice gifts as you have Pluto also transiting your sign but that’s a whole different story. Jupiter will offer rewards for all your hard work and killer job offer might be in the wings. Either way Jupiter will be activating in an area the you hold so very dear to your heart. And with Pluto transiting your chart, the rewards might be longer term.


Jupiter will be making its way through its natural home for you this year Aquarius, its 9th house. Travel, Philosophy and Higher Learning will be highlighted for you and it would be a fantastic year to do any of the above. Jupiter is at home in the 9th house and any chance you get to travel, explore the nature of other cultures, higher thought processes or just high-end learning. You will be gifted many wonderful wow moments which will tie in to the natural interest you have for community, groups and social activism so any of the above pursuits would be well rewarded with light and internal growth.


Pisces get the gift of exploration of your 8th house, an expansion and great opportunities for you to expand your deeper self. The 8th house is a magical house, a realm of deep psychological capacity, spiritually & sexually focused it also is the home of other people’s money ie: debt and taxes ! So you many be given the gift of a random windfall of a tax return or a great AHA moment if you choose to explore some of the metaphysical aspects of life, either way try not to let Jupiter’s tendency to expand to any debt ! This would be the less ideal way Jupiter could apply when transiting your 8th house ! Happy wandering