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IMAGE : Emma Summerton

The New Moon in Leo on August 19th at 12:37pm AEST comes just after Mercury’s conjunction with the Sun seeding two new cycles in Leo energy, within two days. Leo energy is heartfelt, brave, creative, leadership driven, warm and centring.  Mercury’s conjunction with the Sun, burns off all the residue from the previous cycle and rejuvenating Mercury who is tired and worn out at the close of its last cycle.

The Sun in Leo bestows on Mercury the gifts of creativity, artistry, leadership, confidence, positivity and an assuredness rivalled by none. From its connection with the fires of the sky, this is a fantastic time for all creative explorations or being able to access the fun of communication, words, arts, truth and meaning. Be brave and be open to exploring new ways of presenting and communication. Don’t shy away from being seen.

This fiery baptism from the Sun begins a new synodic cycle for Mercury, instilling the qualities of a more creative and heart-focused communications and presentations. Initiating communications will feel more honest and centred around your own personal desires, along with the influence of a childlike curiosity to see things through fresh eyes.  Don’t shrink to fit in.

The New Moon follows this lead on August 19that 26° degrees of Leo.  The Sun and Moon align for their yearly conjunction much like the Mercury cycles these Leo themes are now being applied to the Moon for a 2-week cycle; until she reaches full light at the opposition in Aquarius where these new themes may be challenged, or evolve in some way. The Moon’s embodiment of this energy differs from Mercury, as it’s a more internal process offering nourishment and emotional re-alignment to Leo themes, allowing our re-identification with them.

Leo energy is bold, its brave, its leadership, it’s the spotlight, it’s the gravitational pull, it’s the attraction, it’s the creativity, joy, and child like curiosity and investigation of things. The Leo new moon seeks to bring this into the emotional sphere to create more sovereignty and autonomy with regards to our health and our emotional wellbeing and prioritizing it.  Paying extra attention too or looking at heart health is also good at this time.

The new moon, like the last full moon is the first un-aspected new moon to the eclipse points, new moon in Cancer which was opposite Saturn and conjunct these eclipses points was noted for its heaviness and feelings of intensity and even depression. At this Leo new moon, it’s the opposite. Leo energy is supportive leadership and it’s not afraid to shine, and this new moon along with mercury’s new cycles helps to creates a new connection with your relationship with this…. Enjoy x

August Astro Weather : Leaving the Grind Behind

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Congratulations, its finally August! We are finishing up what felt like, the real time version of Survivor. June and July has been the most challenging Astrology of 2019 some would say ever, especially if you are Cardinal sign (Cancer, Capricorn, Libra or Aries). It was horrendous for some, lacklustre and depressing for others, if it didn’t touch you, well congratulation you are in the minority. But we are finally on the other side of it, from NOW – as the New Moon in Leo occurs, 1:13pm ASET.

August & September are exciting with innovative and creative problem solving, of the muck that was churned up in June / July, due to Jupiter and Uranus hitting stellium’s in Leo and Virgo. This IS positive as there is a feeling of control and freedom. Momentum and Joie de vie is back, August 10th Jupiter station direct after a 3 months retrograde, adding to the buoyant nature of the upcoming months.

October – November we keep plodding along the track, fresh off the highs of August and September. December, however, is when things get a bit tricky again. The beaming highs might drop like a thud as Jupiter enters Capricorn the sign of its fall, in early December, and we re-enter the eclipse season. Advise: Things are warming up from now until December, finally our Mojo’s are being rediscovered, with Jupiter in Sagittarius offering us 4 full months of his exulted ray beams of Mojo Love. It’s time to enjoy the Sunshine and follow anything that truly inspires our passions and joy. They don’t call Jupiter the higher Benefic for nothing ! Trust and Enjoy, the Sun is finally coming back out, we are leaving the grind behind !

benefic /bɪˈnɛfɪk/

Learn to pronounce



beneficent or kindly.


relating to or denoting the planets Jupiter and Venus, traditionally considered to have a favourable influence.

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Leo New Moon: Inflammāre

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📸Jamon Jamon 🎞👌❤️ 

The Leo New Moon on August 1st @ 1312 (ASET) is our official slamming shut of the Eclipse window which has occupied June & July’s Skyscape.   The Eclipse Season, plus the pile up of Planets on the Cancer Capricorn Axis, which focused heavily on the consequences of ignoring in-balances of Private and Public Spheres, was grinding to say the least. Nourishment & Emotional Needs vs Requirements and Pressures from External forces, in order to keep up with the functions of Societies rigid frameworks and expectations; making the past 2 months feel like a slow soft boil set to constant. 🍳The Leo New Moon is when we see that slow cook finally turned off.

As we move into August, where 3 of the 4 personal planets transit Leo and make positive aspects to Jupiter in Sagittarius, allows a restoration of faith and optimism, that Jupiter in Sadge always brings.  His aspects to the Sun, Mercury, Venus & Mars who are in need of Jupiter’s restorative rays are well timed considering the heavy storms created by June & Julys Astro-weather.  This Leo New Moon really gets this process going, helping shift the focus FROM heavy emotional and hard to move out of thoughts and feelings (thanks Mercury Rx in Cancer), DELIVERING us to a place of conviction to move past the issues that have been nabbing us at our heels for the past 2 months. The New Moon in Leo is the start point – from  where we finally get to survey our newly formed Lands and Kingdoms from above, inspiring the creative and stoking the fires of what possibilities await.  Finally the wet wood is drying out and this New Moon allows us to gently and safely gets us stoking and burning the Fires again. We are finally getting moving again ! ♌️🌚❤️👌🚗🦁🐣🙌🏽 🌈⚡️ ⚡️

#thebrujamix #newmooninleo #newmoon #leomoonsign♌ #eclipseseasoncloser #astrology #astrologytransits #astroweather

📸jamon jamon 🎞👌❤️